Friday, January 23, 2009


So I've been very busy with my music and the shop. Haven't had a chance to get this dialed in yet, but please be patient world! I know there are so many of you out there!

In other news, I have started (finally) the introduction to my work. Here's a quick breakdown of what I'm up to:

I'm working on a writing project dealing with my grandfather's service during World War Two. It will culminate in a bicycle touring trip through France, Holland, Belgium, and Germany this fall. During this trip, I will be visiting places that he went during the war, and writing my thoughts in this blog. I will also be sharing stories of my trip, and advice for anyone trying to do it in the future. Ultimately, I hope to publish a book about my experiences.

The whole point of this experience is to undertake a journey of discovery. I never knew my Grandfather as he died very young before I was born. It has been speculated that he suffered from PTSD due to his experiences during the war. A little research over the past few years has revealed that he was involved in most of the bloody conflict in Europe from 1944 through 1945, with the exception of the Battle of France in June/July 1944.

In any case, I want to answer some questions, maybe generate some bigger ones, and provide a story for all of those who lost someone during the war, or really any war. Maybe they came home, maybe they didn't, but war affects everyone, not just the people who fought. In essence, this is about telling the stories that didn't get told by Hollywood. It's about making sure that people know that war, and all wars, are not simple, black and white heroic affairs, but rather bloody, horrible and tragically human.

Also, it's about revisiting the landscape via a simple mode of transportation, the bicycle. My interest in cycling began as a child, but took full form during the late 1990's in Portland, Oregon when I realized how much fun it was to whiz through urban traffic, and hit some mountain trails on my way home. Love that city, and love cycling it!

Now, I'm in NYC and working as a mechanic and sales associate at a local bicycle shop. This interest, and position puts me in a position to be able to take advantage of my life in cycling, and my position on the east coast. From here, I can begin to chronicle my Grandfather's journey, from his life in Seattle, through his time with the 7th Armored Division in Germany.

I'll check back in later on progress. Lots to do in a little time. The trip in planned for September 2009, and I've got training to do, a bike to build, and a lot of research and writing ahead of me.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Gavin,

    This might sound strange, but I dreamt you were up to something so I just googled your name. I'm living in Alsace, France with my husband Philippe. His grandfather "fought" for the Germans in WWII and passed away just one year ago.

    Hope I'm not being too bold about this.
    Let me know if I can help. Good luck!
